Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Present Perfect
This post will look at how the Present Perfect Simple is formed, how to use it along with some exercises and a quiz.

For forming the verbs in the affirmative, negative and question we will use the verb 'to work' as an example. This is a regular verb in the present perfect simple.


To form the present perfect in the affirmative;

Subject + Auxiliary Verb (to have) + Past Participle.
'I've' is the contracted form of 'I have'
'We've' is the contracted form of 'We have'
'You've' is the contracted form of 'You have'
'They've' is the contracted form of 'They have'
'She's' is the contracted form of 'She has'
'He's' is the contracted form of 'He has'
'It's' is the contracted form of 'It has' Negative

'Haven't' is the contracted form of 'have not'
'Hasn't' is the contracted form of 'has not'


The first thing to note is that the present perfect simple is used to describe actions that have happened at an unspecified time in the past. It CAN'T be used with specific time expressions: yesterday, two days ago, last night etc. Time expressions used with the present perfect are: this week (month, year), today, for, since, ever, never, already, yet, still

1. To Talk About Experiences

"Have you ever....?"
This is a common question in English. When you meet people they want to know what you have done in your life. When asking this question it is not important 'when' but 'if' you have done something. Look out for the adverbs "never," "ever" and "before."
1.    I have been to France
2.    Have you ever played chess?
3.    He has tried to do it
4.    We haven't met him before
5.    I have never seen that film
6.    Have you ever been to Japan?
7.    She has never eaten Sushi!

Hi my name is David and I like to travel.I have travelled to Japan, China, Thailand and South Korea but I have never been to South America and I would love to go. I also like to watch movies. I have seen many different films but I have never seen Star Wars. Last year I started learning Spanish but I have never spoken to a native

2. Actions that continue into the present

"I have been a teacher for..."
We use the present perfect to talk about an action that started in the past and continues in the present (and probably will continue in the future). Look out for - 'for' and 'since'
1.    I have been a teacher for 2 years.
2.    She hasn't seen him since Saturday
3.    How long have you worked here?

3. New Information.

"Ouch, I've cut myself!"
We use the present perfect to talk about new information or a change.
1.    I have bought a new car. (I didn't have one but now I do)
2.    She's left (She was here and now she isn't)
3.    They have gone to Spain. (They were here yesterday but now they are in Spain)

4. An uncompleted action that we are still waiting for.

This is used to talk about an action when we are still waiting for it to be completed. Look out for - "still."
1.    She still hasn't arrived yet.
2.    They still haven't done it.
3.    The game still hasn't finished.
1.    The written lesson is below.
2.    Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.
The present perfect is formed by combining the auxiliary verb "has" or "have" with the past participle.
I have studied.
He has written a letter to María.
We have been stranded for six days.
Because the present perfect is a compound tense, two verbs are required: the main verb and the auxiliary verb.
I have studied.
(main verb: studied ; auxiliary verb: have)
He has written a letter to María.
(main verb: written ; auxiliary verb: has)
We have been stranded for six days.
(main verb: been ; auxiliary verb: have)
In Spanish, the present perfect tense is formed by using the present tense of the auxiliary verb "haber" with the past participle. Haber is conjugated as follows:

You have already learned in a previous lesson that the past participle is formed by dropping the infinitive ending and adding either -ado or -ido. Remember, some past participles are irregular. The following examples all use the past participle for the verb "comer."
When you studied the past participle, you practiced using it as an adjective. When used as an adjective, the past participle changes to agree with the noun it modifies. However, when used in the perfect tenses, the past participle never changes.
Past participle used as an adjective:
La cuenta está pagada.
The bill is paid.
Past participle used in the present perfect tense:
He pagado la cuenta.
I have paid the bill.
Here's a couple of more examples:
Past participle used as an adjective:
Las cuentas están pagadas.
The bills are paid.
Past participle used in the present perfect tense:
Juan ha pagado las cuentas.
Juan has paid the bills.
Note that when used to form the present perfect tense, only the base form (pagado) is used.
Let's look more carefully at the last example:
Juan ha pagado las cuentas.
Juan has paid the bills.
Notice that we use "ha" to agree with "Juan". We do NOT use "han" to agree with "cuentas." The auxiliary verb is conjugated for the subject of the sentence, not the object. Compare these two examples:
Juan ha pagado las cuentas.
Juan has paid the bills.
Juan y María han viajado a España.
Juan and Maria have traveled to Spain.
In the first example, we use "ha" because the subject of the sentence is "Juan." In the second example, we use "han" because the subject of the sentence is "Juan y María."
The present perfect tense is frequently used for past actions that continue into the present, or continue to affect the present.
He estado dos semanas en Madrid.
I have been in Madrid for two weeks.
Diego ha sido mi amigo por veinte años.
Diego has been my friend for 20 years.
The present perfect tense is often used with the adverb "ya".
Ya han comido.
They have already eaten.
La empleada ya ha limpiado la casa.
The maid has already cleaned the house.
The auxiliary verb and the past participle are never separated. To make the sentence negative, add the word "no" before the conjugated form of haber.
(yo) No he comido.
I have not eaten.
(tú) No has comido.
You have not eaten.
(él) No ha comido.
He has not eaten.
(nosotros) No hemos comido.
We have not eaten.
(vosotros) No habéis comido.
You-all have not eaten.
(ellos) No han comido.
They have not eaten.
Again, the auxiliary verb and the past participle are never separated. Object pronouns are placed immediately before the auxiliary verb.
Pablo le ha dado mucho dinero a su hermana.
Pablo has given a lot of money to his sister.
To make this sentence negative, the word "no" is placed before the indirect object pronoun (le).
Pablo no le ha dado mucho dinero a su hermana.
Pablo has not given a lot of money to his sister.
With reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun is placed immediatedly before the auxiliary verb. Compare how the present perfect differs from the simple present, when a reflexive verb is used.
Me cepillo los dientes. (present)
I brush my teeth.
Me he cepillado los dientes. (present perfect)
I have brushed my teeth.
To make this sentence negative, the word "no" is placed before the reflexive pronoun (me).
No me he cepillado los dientes.
I have not brushed my teeth.

Red Onion and Garlic

Time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named garlic. They are a happy family. Although garlic dad just ordinary traders, but they live in harmony and peace. But one day garlic mother was seriously ill and eventually died. Garlic is very sad as well as his father.

In the village lived a widow who also has a son named Onion. Since the mother died Garlic, Shallots mother often visited the house of Garlic. He often brought food, helped clean the house or garlic Garlic and only accompany his father to talk. Garlic father finally thought that maybe it's better if he just got married to the mother Onion, Garlic not so lonely anymore.

With consideration of garlic, then the father is married to the mother Garlic onion. Originally maternal red onion and red onion to the garlic is very good. But over time their true nature began to appear. They often berated garlic and gave him a job if the father Garlic weight is going to trade. Garlic should be doing all the housework, while the red onion and her mother sitting alone. Of course Garlic father did not know it, because garlic is never told.

One day Garlic father fell ill and later died. Since then the red onion and mother increasingly powerful and persecution of Garlic. Garlic is almost never at rest. He had to get up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for the red onion and mother. Then he had to feed livestock, watering gardens and washing clothes into a river. Then she still has to ironing, cleaning the house, and many other jobs. However Garlic always do their work with joy, because he hopes one day her stepmother would love him like his own biological child.

This morning as usual Garlic carrying baskets of clothes to be washed in a river. With little singing him down a path at the edge of an ordinary small forest path. The day was very sunny weather. Garlic immediately wash all dirty clothes he was carrying. Because of too much fun, Garlic does not realize that one of the clothes have been washed away. Unfortunately the clothes are washed favorite shirt stepmother. When he realized it, clothes have been washed away stepmother too far. Garlic try down the river to look for him, but could not find it. In desperation, he returned home and told his mother.

"Basic careless!" Snapped her stepmother. "I do not want to know, anyway you should find that outfit! And do not dare go home if you have not found it. Understand? "

Garlic is forced to obey the wishes ibun stepfather. He quickly washed down the river where he was. The sun had started rising, but the Garlic is yet to find his mother's clothes. He put his eye, carefully examining each overhung root that juts into the river, who knows his mother's clothes caught there. After a long walk and the sun was already leaning to the west, Garlic saw a shepherd who was bathing buffalo. Garlic then asked: "O my good uncle, if uncle saw the red dress who float through here? Because I had to find and bring him home. "" Yes I had seen my son. If you catch quickly, maybe you can catch him, "said the uncle.

"Well uncle, thank you!" Said Garlic and immediately ran back down. It was getting dark, Garlic is getting desperate. Soon night will come, and Garlic. From a distance looks light coming from a shack on the riverbank. Garlic immediately went to the house and knocked.
"Excuse me ...!" Said Garlic. An old woman opened the door.
"Who are you boy?" Asked the old woman.

"My Grandma Garlic. Just now I'm looking for my mother who washed clothes. And now benighted. Can I stay here tonight? "Asked Garlic.
"May my son. Are you looking for clothes that are red? "Asked grandma.
"Yes Grandma. What ... grandmother found her? "Asked Garlic.

"Yes. Earlier dress snagged in front of my house. Unfortunately, though I liked the clothes, "said the grandmother. "Well I'll return it, but first you must accompany me here for a week. I have not talked with anyone, how? "Pleaded white nenek.Bawang thought for a moment. My grandmother looked lonely. Garlic also feel pity. "Okay Grandma, I'll stay with grandma for a week, from grandmothers do not get bored with me," said Garlic with a smile.

During the week Garlic stay with the grandmother. Garlic each day helps with homework grandmother. Of course, the old woman feel good. Until eventually even been a week, my grandmother was summoned garlic.
"Son, have you lived here a week. And I'm glad that you are a diligent and dutiful. For that according to my promise you can take your mother's clothes to go home. And another thing, you may choose one of two this pumpkin as a gift! "Said the grandmother.
Garlic initially refused to be rewarded but still forced her grandmother. Finally Garlic select the smallest pumpkin. "I'm afraid not bring a big strong," he said. Grandma smiled and Garlic deliver up to the front of the house.

At home, Garlic handed his stepmother's red shirt as he went into the kitchen to split the pumpkin yellow. Garlic surprise when the pumpkin was cut, turned out to contain gold jewelry in it very much. He screamed so happy and gave this magic to his stepmother and red onion with langsun greedy grab the gold and jewels. They forced the garlic to tell how he could get the prize. Garlic also told the truth.

Hear stories garlic, onion and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the red onion will do it. In short, onion finally arrived at the old house on the edge of river. Like garlic, red onion was asked to accompany him for a week. Unlike an avid garlic, red onions for a week was just being lazy. If anything is done then the result is never good because it is always done poorly. Finally after a week's grandmother was allowed to leave the red onion. "Is not it supposed to be grandmother gave me a pumpkin as a gift because it keep you company for a week?" Asked a red onion. My grandmother was forced to send onions to choose one of two offered pumpkin. With the quick red onion take a big pumpkin and without saying thank you he walked away.

Arriving at the house red onion soon meet his mother and happily shows gourd he was carrying. For fear of garlic will ask for parts, they sent garlic to go into a river. Then they split impatiently these pumpkins. But it was not gold jewels out of these pumpkins, but venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were immediately attacked the red onion and his mother to death. That is the reward of those who get greedy.

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